Software adoption can be hard. Learning new things is always hard. Who didn’t end up with a skinned knee or two while learning to ride a bike?
But when your organization buys new software, the stakes are a little bit higher. Let’s get inside the mind of a new user and fight the 7 sins of software adoption.
1. Dislike
We do things we like and usually ignore the things we don’t. At least, it’s harder to do things we dislike. For proof, just try getting a toddler to eat dino-shaped chicken nuggets instead of animal-shaped nuggets. It tastes the same; yet those dinos end up on the floor every time.
Software can be the same. We get used to the things we know, and it’s a challenge to learn to like something new. So how do we start liking our new software? The answer lies in getting familiar with it.
BrainStorm QuickHelp™ data underscore this point.
For example, 89% of QuickHelp users report that the platform helped them learn new software skills. The more familiar you are with something, the easier it is to like it and use it. In the software game, users just need to spend some time playing around with their new toys and learning what they can do.
Before long, people have a handle on the whole thing—just like your toddler eventually realizes that dinosaurs actually are pretty cool.
2. Inability
Sometimes when users are presented with new software, it’s hard to shift the paradigm to the new way of doing things. It can even seem like the new system is worse than the old one. They think, it doesn’t do what the old system did, or it looks different, or it’s hard to find THAT ONE BUTTON EVERY TIME.
Often the issue isn’t the software, but how it’s presented.
Instead of trying to force a whole new system on everyone, start with a higher goal: decide what you need the application to do. Focus on the features you need and champion those.
QuickHelp can even teach you to find that ONE button. Once people are doing their work smoothly, and they realize that technology can do what they need, it’s easier for everyone to find their flow.
3. Insecurity
We’ve all been there, asking how to do that same task for the 14th time. It’s not fun, and it’s nerve-wracking to worry that someone will find out that you don’t know what you’re doing. You do know what you’re doing, of course. But fear makes your whole job that much harder.
The answer here is having good access to clear information. When adopting a new software ecosystem, there’s a lot to process, and it’s going to take a minute before you’ve got everything down pat.
By providing your team with concise, easy-to-access answers, that insecurity of not knowing what to do will vanish. Instead, believing you’re confident enough to handle things on your own will make the new software seem tailor-made for you and your users.
4. Frustration
No matter how user-friendly it appears, new software can be innately frustrating at first. Maybe the layouts seem counter intuitive. Or you realize a month in that there really IS a shortcut for that function you’ve tried six times to get to. No matter the challenge, sometimes your computer can start to feel like your enemy instead of your ally.
In times like these, it helps to have a technology champion explain just how awesome that new app is. To find your tech champion, look around for early adopters of technology. These are your software enthusiasts who love to share quick tips, shortcuts, and encouragement.
5. Uncertainty
Being unsure about where to get answers can be the hardest thing about learning something new.
Sometimes, it can feel like you’re floundering in an ocean without any solid land in sight. Especially if you’re picking up a new suite of software for the entire organization. When everything is new, you need an expert to help ease that sense of helplessness.
Instructor-led-training (ILT) can be a huge benefit in these cases, but what happens when the instructor leaves and you’re still trying to figure out new things every day? That’s when having a easily accessible library of resources like QuickHelp’s video library can come in handy.
You won’t have all the answers, but you’ll know where to get them. It’s like you’re safely onshore and enjoying that white, sandy beach—secure in the path that lies ahead.
6. Burnout
Trying to get a handle on new processes, layouts, and software all at once can lead quickly to burnout. It’s not just handling your workload; it’s changing the way you work as well. The answer? Break down all the new things into smaller chunks.
For example, instead of trying to master your whole new messaging system, become a master of adding attachments into your messages. Then, nail down how to organize your contacts. QuickHelp’s micro-learning videos can feed you technology use cases piece by piece.
One more thing. Instead of having to fit several hours of training into your workload, fit in a couple of 45-second videos here and there. Next thing you know, you’re doing your work AND you’re trained without even knowing it.
7. Fear
Honestly, new things can be scary; that’s just a natural part of life. But like turning the light on and finding out that the monster in the corner is just your laundry on a chair, learning new software doesn’t need to be scary. BrainStorm is here to help you change happy.How? The change, adoption, and learning experts at BrainStorm can help you and your end users overcome the 7 sins and optimize usage for the software you already own. No wonder 93% of users say that QuickHelp is great for learning new technology. In fact, 88% of QuickHelp users saw improvement in the way they used Microsoft Office.
So, don’t be afraid.
Look to BrainStorm for a friendly hand, just like when mom helped you ride your new shiny bike. And with that extra time, maybe you can even tackle that laundry pile on the chair. Now THAT’S scary.